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Your pharmacy in San Giorgio near Brunico
Business hours

Business hours

Monday to Friday:
8:30 am - 12:30 pm / 2:45 - 7:00 pm
Saturday: 8:30 am - 12:30 pm

Roster pharmacies

Roster pharmacies

Pharmacies on duty in San Giorgio, Brunico, San Lorenzo di Sebato, and Riscone

Service calendar


You can find us in the centre of San Giorgio - right on the main street.
Plan your trip
Pharmacy in San Giorgio near Brunico


We are pleased to welcome you to our website, and we invite you to get to know our products, services, and health tips better.

The team from St. Barbara Pharmacy offers qualified advice tailored to your individual needs on all health-related issues. We are pleased to take the time to answer all your questions.

Help with all health-related issues

Our services



Homemade tea blends, pills, salves, creams, syrups, tinctures, and cosmetics

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Blood pressure, blood sugar, blood lipid levels, vitamin D, and intolerances to certain foods

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Breast pumps, baby scales, and more

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Come by and get professional advice - trust our expertise in all important health-related issues. Visit us at our pharmacy in San Giorgio near Brunico – we look forward to seeing you!
